Schuyler DeMarinis MFA Print Media Thesis 2020

Life as we know it: the search for enchantment in today's world

Using the magic of the natural world as a bridge between myself and the environment I dissect the cruelties of humankind. Listening to the plants and observing my surroundings helps me convey the messages of our ecosystem through old-world crafts such as natural dyes and pigment foraging. I connect with the land through gardening and exploring the outdoors while I collect images and ideas for my work. Through the process of lithography, I can create multiples of my message and by using a process in traditional Japanese scroll mounting known as urauchi these works can be printed in sections to later be seamed together, creating all-encompassing dystopian landscapes. My intent and duty as an artist is to share with others what I have learned from looking more closely at the world around me.  

37 albums

MFA in Print Media Thesis Works