Alejandra Arias Sevilla Intermedia Thesis Spring 2020

Los frutos al deshilar el bordado

Within “Los frutos al deshilar el bordado” I am observing the Spanish that knits my cultural identity as a response to how I navigate my surroundings and my interpersonal relationships.

Cuando era niña, me gustaba inspeccionar los libros que tenía mis abuelos maternos. Me gustaba investigar su olor, la sensación del papel, oler el resistol. Tenían unos libros pequeños que cabían en la palma de mi manita, nunca los leí, o supe de que era el tema, pero tomaba mi tiempo en rallarlos con dibujos y en quitarle las páginas en blanco.

With three letterpress animations, four flips books and a newspaper, my motivation is to deshilar my relationship to Spanish.

“Click my tongue in popocatepetl” is intrinsically tied to my childhood, it was the language with which I navigated my surroundings, dreamt, and told stories uninterrupted. There is a warmth, tenderness, and happiness that was fed to me through the storytelling of my grandmothers, family histories, mexican phraseology, chistes, refranes, dichos, trabalenguas, and lullabies.

“Los Frutos al deshilar el bordado” Pre recorded artist talk

“una carta para ti” animation

“click my tongue in Popocatepetl” animation

“ni unx más; lxs queremxs vivxs” animation

46 albums

Spring 2020