Perhaps my favorite of all personas, Crystal Girl. I lived in the Bay Area for three years after college. If any of you have lived there, you know that uncomfortably long hugs, in-depth discussions of chakra balancing, and general new age love and light stuff are pretty much mandatory for participating in creative social circles. As a result, most of my friends have at least at one point identified as “yoga instructor” and frequently post about the healing power of crystals. This type of suggested content in my Instagram Explore page comes as no surprise.
In “Picked for you: Crystals” here are the characteristics I tracked and replicated:
1. The Natural Look, where you still use makeup but you look natural
2. Crystals.
3. Tan, you have to be California bronzed from all that meditating that you somehow do outside all year, or freckles. Here I used way too much bronzer and applied fake freckles for good measure
4. Stretchy clothing so that yoga can be practiced at. Any. Time.
5. Long hair, sun-kissed, naturally (or unnaturally) highlighted
6. Zenned out, #tooblessedtobestressed expression.
Artwork Info |
Type of Work | Digital Self Portrait |
Medium | Photo |
Dimensions | Variable |
Subject Matter | Figure |
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